Happy Anniversary !!!

December 5, 2023

This month, December 2023, will mark the 18th year that Zacky has joined my family.

Time really flies, from the day that ChekWee was kind enough to entrust him to me, it is quite amazing that he has managed to tolerate all of us for so long without trying to escape. He did ran out the door many times but each time, I managed to catch him as he couldn’t figure out which direction he should run. He never put up resistance when I ran out to arrest him during this getaway.

From 2 years ago when he was diagnosed with kidney disease, he seems to have have recovered but clearly, we are all cognizant that he is no spring chicken. As much as it is reasonably possible, we will try to do what we can, to keep him healthy. His food cost, because it is a prescription diet, has skyrocketed and having inflation, don’t really help. Whenever there is a bulk purchase discount, I just buy a bit more to try to save some money. Importantly, he eats well and seems to like the food. He is now eating 2x the recommended dosage for his weight. He is putting on some weight but not noticeably much, so I suppose it is ok for now. He is now checked annually due to his age which helped to discover his kidney disease early.

So how has the experience been, you might ask? Well besides the never-ending stream of free furballs in the house, drops of his cat litter, infrequent vomit patches and now regular screaming (10:30pm, 2:30am, 4:30am, 5:45am), I suppose I would say everything else is going great ? Sort of. kind of ?

But what about the benefits ? Never-ending surprise of the antics he is up to, just quiet companionship which is non-judging (till he walks away when he had too much of you / got what he wanted), cute sleeping postures and strange places which he will be found in, I would say the joy greatly exceeds the inconveniences. It is very hard to put in words the joy of having him around – just indescribable. Also, his behavior of teaching us to be patient, being contented and problem solving attitude has much to teach many humans, me included.

I hope he will choose to be around us for as long as he wants to be till he cannot. In the meantime for those contemplating adopting a community cat, I would suggest research what is required, think careful and then do it – you will experience joy that words cannot describe. Do not listen to the ignorant who tell you that cats are solitary, ungrateful, destructive and cannot be taught – mostly true but you win some, and lose some.

It has been a joyous and fun journey thus far and I hope there will be many more years to come – he willing and us trying.