Last year, Zacky was diagnosed with kidney disease and the doctor recommended a change in diet.

He has been on canned food formulated for kidney disease and he seems to like it and no longer willing to eat kibbles, which is creates new operational overheads. Of course, the other aspect is cost as such prescription diet is quite expensive.

Plus, the supply chain issues in 2022 also frequently caused supply shortage. So now, I always order with 3 months of food supply to counter the supply shortage risk.

In April 2023, he went for his annual checkup and thank goodness, the key metrics seem to have recovered a lot. The metrics could be better but I suppose, for someone his age, it is a good outcome. The doctor was also shocked he is that old.

Hopefully, his health continues to hold up – fingers crossed. Here is the report:

This is one of his many favourite beds – daytime only.

The bottom has sort of flattened over the years, so had to buy him a pillow to cushion the flat bottom. He seems not to mind it despite his fussiness.